Friday, January 7, 2011


At the Carnival by Joy StClaire

One of the main reasons I began this blog is to become a more positive person. The best way to be positive I thought, is to first learn gratitude about every little thing I possess, even about the things I have yet to possess, and truly feel like I'm blessed, fulfilled and content.

I was tired of always trying to be positive and failing. I was tired of dragging my feet through the day with mind half-alert, heart half-filled. I finally decided it was time to live fully, happily & energetically. And for me, this means materializing everything that I'm thankful about- giving them life through words and visuals.

These days, my entire day is spent by doing things for other people. For my children, my husband, my family. I know this is a normal part of being a mother and wife but such self-reducing sacrifice has been the most difficult for me, and I was always afraid to speak out about it.

Now I realize all I need to really think about is what helps me to stay positive, what makes me happy-- and writing makes me happy. Writing honestly without restraint makes me happy. Sharing stories make me feel connected. And dreaming keeps me hopeful, making today's problems seem trivial and unworthy of worry.

I'm hoping this blog will let me do all of this and more and that somewhere out there someone is listening, as I quietly listen to my own heart flutter in relief of self-rediscovery.

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