Monday, January 6, 2014

Making Wishes for 2014

I'm starting the new year with one of the worst sicknesses of my lifetime. I'm sure life can be a lot worse but I never knew having strep throat can be so painful and cumbersome. Taking antibiotics three times a day leaves me with the worst nausea that reminds me of pregnancy morning sickness and my throat hurts so bad that simple acts like swallowing and eating are painful.

To top it off, my younger daughter is also sick and we are on matching antibiotics. Yay- twinning.

On the bright side, 2014 has already taught me some valuable lessons.

1. Strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection; bronchitis is caused by a viral infection.
2. Advil helps with various types of inflammations, including that of the throat.
3. I'm getting old.

Despite the fact that I'm feeling pretty shi**y right now, I'm still glad that I got to host another NYE get-together with my close girlfriends and their families. This may be the last year in this home and I'm thankful I got to make lasting memories with people who make me laugh and hopeful.

We also began a cool New Year's tradition this year- the lighting of the wishing lantern. I was initially concerned about safety but the lanterns proved to be safe in an open outdoor space without too much wind. As expected the kids loved making their New Year's wishes and letting the lanterns float up to the sky. I wish I captured the moment better on my camera, but I was preoccupied with making wishes for my family and breathing in the beauty and excitement of the night.

All in all, this NYE was one of the best I've had since getting married and having kids. I'm already looking forward to celebrating next year's NYE in our new home (praying that everything will work out!).

2013 was a year of hard work with little result, during which I learned the virtue of patience through quiet storm.
I worked hard on several projects only to face a series of disappointments, many of which were beyond my control. I'm still learning and being an adult in its truest sense, learning to smile through the rain and dance through the storm.

Sometimes though, I think I simply didn't work hard enough.

Whatever the case, I'm excited for 2014 and all the changes & challenges it will bring. I must work harder and continue to push forward while remembering to count the numerous blessings that surround me.

My most precious gift from God of course, are my two girls- and here is a picture of them right before releasing their wishing lantern. Elise was a little scared by the fire but Tessa, as always, proved to be a trooper with big dreams.


  1. Hi! I left you a reply on the 'SuperWoman' post you commented on - on my blog..thank you!
    Hope you are now feeling better! xo

  2. Hi Angela,
    nice to meet you and your blog =)
    Wish you a healthy new year (hope you're actually better by now!)
    xoxo, Eleni of My Paradissi

  3. Hey Angela,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Really glad it led me here. :) I hope you're feeling better and know 2014 will be an amazing year for you! I felt like 2013 was a great, but hard year for me too. I learned a lot about myself. Too bad your projects fell through, but I have always believed that sometimes God doesn't want us to have something because he feels we aren't ready and/or there is something bigger and better for us. Just have faith :)

    1. Thank you Linh! I know I should have faith, but it's hard to be patient sometimes. Thanks for the kind reminder and glad to meet you! :)
