Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Black & White Decor

I have an exciting new project underway- collecting inspirations for my dream home!

We've been searching for a new home for months now and so far it's been a rather tiring and frustrating experience. When we find a home we absolutely love, it is priced above our budget or a cash buyer takes it. I was sure I found my dream house last week -- until the bank counter offered and it went to someone else.

The real estate market in Southern California remains difficult and bubbly for buyers but I'm not giving up until I find the perfect home.

I'm a firm believer that just like marriage, there is that perfect home that is meant for me and my family. With enough patience, time and prayers, things will work out!

Meanwhile, here are some black and white decor ideas I'm inspired by. Because I tend to get tired of bright colors, I'm leaning towards simple neutral (eggshell) walls with black, white and brown furniture with accent colors that I can switch out depending on the mood & season.

I like the utilization of masculine /feminine, dichotomous look of black & white pulled together by gold accents. Brown, beige or taupe colors seem to work just as well.

Image via Pinterest

Via 79ideas

Love the symmetry and use of light, neutral colors with black lines. Love the layering of textures and patterns- all in the same neutral tone.

Via Carina Orlander
I adore this workspace, although I'd need more room. I doubt I can maintain something like this with two kids who love to crawl all over me when I'm at my desk but a girl can still dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to collect inspirations for your dream home, right? I've been collecting photos since 2008, and I've been using them as my requirements when looking for a new house. Anyway, I do hope you'll be able to get a new house soon, and that you find a place that features your inspirations. I'll be looking forward to seeing your home in the next days. :)

    Abdul Jackson @ South-Carolina.ChurchillMortgage.com
